Brewer Owned
With an almost overwhelming selection of beers available this day and age, you can always look to us for an innovative lineup of beers, brewed with integrity. We are a brewer owned business, with years of experience between us. No Sucka Shit are some of the words we live by. We brew what we want to drink.

We brew clean and crispy lagers. Hoppy and aromatic pales and IPA’. Saisons fermented in former wine barrels with local berries and stonefruit. Thick Imperial Stouts and Barleywines aged for years in Bourbon barrels. We hold traditional Old World brewing practices, and the brewers who blazed the trail for us,in high regards. While there are some things that just aren’t meant to be screwed with, we also look into the future. and are in tune with the latest ingredients and findings this industry has to offer.
Strides are being made in hop research and grain agriculture in Washington and the Pacific Northwest. We work with farmers, scientists, and researchers helping them unlock the potential of awesome new products through brewing. We are always searching, experimenting and learning to ensure we have the best product at the ready for you.
We are always thinking of where our next meal is coming from, and are lucky to partner with some of the best chefs, restaurants, and artisans out there. Working with these incredible people always teaches us new things about our beers, and provides inspiration and ideas that unlocks our thinking of what our beers can aspire to.